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Fruit bar

Premium fruit bar. German manufacturing. Organic. Vegan. With blessing claims.
Search sales representatives who visit Edeka and other LEH for our products.

Provision verhandelbar
Löllbach Germany / 67

More results for Commercial Agent
Offer Greeting card
In addition to our self-distribution, we are looking for sales representatives for our range of motif and text postcards. The cards are distributed through the brick-and-mortar PBS retail ...

Offer Velcro/Velcro
We are looking for sales representatives for our KragoTEC Velcro products. More information about the industries can be found on our ...

Offer Nutritional products
We are a Danish company, with ecsclusive distribution of dietary supplements manufactured by one of the largest manufacturers in Europe. Sustainable production of fish oil, omega 3, collagen, ...

Offer Natural construction, building materials, construction services
Our company was founded in Poland in 2007 through international cooperation between fans of natural engineering and archaeological reconstructions. Since that moment, the company has developed very ...

Offer Eyewear accessories Inovative eyewear holder
Inovative patented product for the optical industry. It is a new eyewear holder that can be attached to any clothing, the glasses are attached to the holder with a very sturdy cord and thus cannot ...

Offer Beverages Premium Energy Drink own brand
For the market placement and further expansion of the distribution channels of our energy drink, we are looking for several independent sales representatives as well as trade agencies, which in ...

Offer Women's clothing art fur
Long-time textile companies specialisierl Jack, clothing search for a sales representative on the one hand in Germany and on the other hand, if possible for the whole of Europe. We are producing ...

Offer Drinking fountain sponsorship
Brokering sponsors-Home Office AquaDona is ready to start-the concept stands, sales material is ready to ship and the final website is online in a few weeks. The only thing missing are ...