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We have revolutionized marketing for the catering owners. We give the restaurateurs the opportunity to send a personal SMS message to all their guests at the touch of a button. SMS messages are very personal, offer very good accessibility and above all a very high attention, since we all rarely receive SMS messages. This allows any offer and promotion to be advertised effectively. The platform can do much more than just convey your message to guests.

In order for restaurateurs to learn about this unique solution, we are looking for suitable trading agents to support us in this.

Your new remit:

* Sell product packages
* Maintaining customer data in the CRM system
* No lead aquise of its own.

Wels Austria / 46

More results for Sales Representative
Offer Internet
We are now looking for the room MG / KR / VIE / D young, communicative employees (self-employed Section 84 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) Team leader Salesman / Sales Representative ...

Look for Medicines, OTC, medical devices
Experienced pharmaceutical consultants are looking for interesting projects. I have many years of experience in the areas of sales, specialist field service, orthomolecular medicine, cardiology, ...

Offer Special feed for animals / Complementary feed
We are looking for energetic employees (m/f/d) in sales with immediate effect. You have professional experience in sales and even come from the (animal) medical industry (not a must)? Then apply now. ...

Look for Technical Products
> 30 years of professional experience in international B2B sales of goods requiring explanation with a focus on new customer acquisition and market development. Meaningful references available. I am ...

Offer POS software
Freelance sales representatives wanted! As a startup, we are looking for dedicated sales representatives to bring our innovative range of AI-supported POS software and a social media manager ...

Offer PVC and aluminium windows, doors, roller shutters
Search Sales Partner / Sales Partner / Sales Representative / Sales Representative We are a Polish manufacturer of high-quality products made of plastic and aluminium (windows, doors, facades, ...

Offer Ads
Commercial representatives and freelancers are being sought for a new advertising concept, with local companies, independently managed EDEKA, REWE and OBI markets. Regensburg, Nuremberg, Straubing, ...

Offer Photovoltaics, Storage
in this way I am looking for sales partners in the form of HV, who at best have experience in the field service, for an unprecedented concept How to bid: - Unique concept in Germany: Customer ...